Thursday, July 26, 2012

New Brownie Blog

I have started working on our new Brownie Troop Blog.

Please make sure to visit the site and subscribe to receive email updates as I will begin posting all of Brownie Troop information on that site.

Food Drive Update

On Sunday, July 10th, we delivered all of our Food Drive donations to the BCHG Doylestown Food Pantry. Our goal was to collect 100 pounds of food in celebration of the 100 years of Girl Scouting. I am very excited to say that we not only reached our goal but we exceeded it! In the end, we collected 296 pounds of food!

There were several families at the Food Pantry while we were dropping off our donations. I can't even begin to tell you how thankful they all were. Thank you for all of your help with this drive.

Monday, June 4, 2012

End of Year Events...

Madagascar 3 Movie Night
Regal Barn Plaza
Friday, June 8th
4:30 p.m.

I will be buying the tickets for the girls on Thursday, please confirm by Wednesday (6/6) that your Daisy will in fact be attending the Madagascar Movie Night on Friday.

Bridging Ceremony
Saturday, June 9th
Doylestown Central Park
11:00 a.m.

I have not gotten final RSVP numbers for everyone. So, if you have yet to provide me with your numbers, please do so ASAP.

RSVP (recd as of 6/4/12):

Katerina (4 adults/2 children)

Jayden (4 adults/1 child)


Paree (3 adults)

Cianna (2 adults/2 children)


Sandwich Tray (1 more)

Sandwich Tray (Katerina)

Fruit Platter (Cianna)

Veggie Platter (Paree)

Chips (Jayden)

Capri Sun and Water (Ava)

Plates, Napkins, Utensils, Tablecloths (leftover from Investiture Ceremony)

Dessert (Katerina)
Your Daisy is expected to wear her uniform on both Friday and Saturday.
Other Reminders:
Don't forget Spring Registration is now open. If you want to register now for the next Girl Scouting year, I will need your registration forms and payment by Saturday, June 9th. (This is not mandatory, your Daisy can wait until September to register. By registering in the Spring, she would be eligible to receive a special patch at the start of the new school year.) So, please bring them to either the movies or the bridging ceremony.
If you ordered the Lip Sync DVD, please bring your payment either on Friday or Saturday, so that I can give you the DVD.
Also, please don't forget about the FOOD DRIVE! We will have a box in the school lobby until Thursday. Please have your Daisy at least bring one item to the school so that the box starts to get some items. It might just inspire others to bring in some donations too!
You can bring the rest of your donations to my home. We are trying to collect at least 100 pounds of food! So, we really need everyone to participate. If your Daisy is just taking all her donations to the school, please let me know so that I don't expect you to bring more to our home.
If you have any questions about either event or any of the reminders, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Madagascar 3

The times for Madagascar 3 have been released! The movie runs 1 1/2 hours...

Friday, June 8th
(Regal Barn Plaza Stadium 14)

The following times seem to be the best...

1:45 p.m


4:30 p.m.

Please let me know which time you would prefer. Once, I hear from everyone, I will confirm the time we will be going.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bridging Ceremony

Our Daisies will be bridging to Brownies...

Saturday ~ June 9, 2012

Doylestown Central Park

11:00 a.m.

RSVP (recd as of 5/24/12):
Katerina (4 adults/2 children)
Jayden (4 adults/1 child)
Paree (3 adults)
Cianna (2 adults/2 children)

Sandwich Tray (1 more)
Sandwich Tray (Katerina)
Fruit Platter (Cianna)
Veggie Platter (Paree)
Chips (Jayden)
Capri Sun and Water (Ava)
Plates, Napkins, Utensils, Tablecloths (leftover from Investiture Ceremony)
Dessert (Katerina)


Our final "meeting" of the year is this Friday (5/25) at our regular time and location. Another Girl Scout troop will be joining us and teaching our Daisies about recycling. At this meeting, they will earn their green petal!

Paree is scheduled to be our snack buddy.

For those of you who ordered the Lip Sync DVD, don't forget to pay for them please ($4).

If you have not done so, please RSVP for the Briging Ceremony. We need to have an idea of how many people will be attending. Also, don't forget to sign up to bring something.

If you have any Capri Sun pouches or Cheese wrappers for our fundraiser, you can bring them to the meeting on Friday.

Also, please don't forget about our Canned Food Drive. We hope to collect over 100 pounds of food. We have already collected 23 pounds!

Spring Registration is open! So, if you submit your registration forms and fee ($12) before June 30th, your Daisy will earn a special patch!

Our final events of the year are:
June 8th ~ Movie Night
June 9th ~ Bridiging Ceremony (for those Daisies that will be bridging to Brownies)

If you have any questions about the rest of the year, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Girl Scout Tree Initiative

We are participating in GSEP's GIRL SCOUTS FOREVER GREEN initiative of planting 10,000 trees statewide.   We will be planting the saplings (either Eastern White Pine or Eastern Hemlock) in honor of Girls Scouts 100th Anniversary and will also help contribute towards the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's goal of planting 1,000,000 trees by 2020!

Our troop has been allocated 3 trees to plant. So, now we have to decide on a place to plant them.

WHERE to plant a tree:
1. Where you have permission to plant
2. Where it’s easy to tend (Water? Access?)
3. As a public amenity, wildlife enhancement, riparian buffer
4. Choose the right tree for the right place (Under wires? Wet area? Salt exposure? Will it obstruct sight line for vehicles or pedestrians?)

If you have any suggestions for a good place, please let me know as soon as possible.