Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Our final "meeting" of the year is this Friday (5/25) at our regular time and location. Another Girl Scout troop will be joining us and teaching our Daisies about recycling. At this meeting, they will earn their green petal!

Paree is scheduled to be our snack buddy.

For those of you who ordered the Lip Sync DVD, don't forget to pay for them please ($4).

If you have not done so, please RSVP for the Briging Ceremony. We need to have an idea of how many people will be attending. Also, don't forget to sign up to bring something.

If you have any Capri Sun pouches or Cheese wrappers for our fundraiser, you can bring them to the meeting on Friday.

Also, please don't forget about our Canned Food Drive. We hope to collect over 100 pounds of food. We have already collected 23 pounds!

Spring Registration is open! So, if you submit your registration forms and fee ($12) before June 30th, your Daisy will earn a special patch!

Our final events of the year are:
June 8th ~ Movie Night
June 9th ~ Bridiging Ceremony (for those Daisies that will be bridging to Brownies)

If you have any questions about the rest of the year, please do not hesitate to ask.

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