Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cookie Time is Almost Here...

Cookie Sale
January 19 - March 4
$3.50 per box

Have fun!

25 boxes per girl (with a minimum of 18 boxes sold, each girl will earn a badge)

At the January 13th meeting, we will have the girls discuss their goals, and see what other things we can do if more cookies are sold.

Ideas for Selling:
Booths ~ We will be entering a council wide and district wide drawings for booths. I would like for each girl to work at least 2 booth times if possible. (If anyone knows of any businesses ~ restaurants, banks, stores, etc. that would allow us to have a booth, please let me know.)

Red Wagon Weekends ~ We can go around our neighborhoods as a troop to sell cookies together (January 21 & 22 ~ best to do this the first weekend before people buy cookies elsewhere)

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