Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Brownie Troop Shirt

I will be ordering a Brownie Troop shirt for Katerina. The cost for this shirt is $18. If you would like a shirt for your Brownie, please let me know and I will be happy to order one for her as well.

I will be ordering the shirts at the end of this week, so let me know as soon as possible if you would like one. You can pay for the shirt at the same time you pay for the uniform, just please make it a separate payment as I will be paying for the shirts myself and not through the troop account.

The designer made two different versions of the shirt for me, so that it would go with the vest or the sash.

If you do want one, please let me know what size and which version you would like.

Paid (as of 5/11/12):
Katerina (2 - Sash)
Cianna (2 - Sash)
Sophia (2 - Sash)
Paree (Sash)
Allison (Sash)
Ava (Sash)
Claire (Sash)
Jayden (Sash)

Sash Version
Vest Version

1 comment:

  1. Hey Aymee! Hope you and the troop loved the shirts. Thanks for ordering from me, I really enjoyed making your custom design. If you need anything else, please visit me at http://www.etsy.com/shop/domesticspaz :) Beth
