Thursday, May 17, 2012

Girl Scout Tree Initiative

We are participating in GSEP's GIRL SCOUTS FOREVER GREEN initiative of planting 10,000 trees statewide.   We will be planting the saplings (either Eastern White Pine or Eastern Hemlock) in honor of Girls Scouts 100th Anniversary and will also help contribute towards the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's goal of planting 1,000,000 trees by 2020!

Our troop has been allocated 3 trees to plant. So, now we have to decide on a place to plant them.

WHERE to plant a tree:
1. Where you have permission to plant
2. Where it’s easy to tend (Water? Access?)
3. As a public amenity, wildlife enhancement, riparian buffer
4. Choose the right tree for the right place (Under wires? Wet area? Salt exposure? Will it obstruct sight line for vehicles or pedestrians?)

If you have any suggestions for a good place, please let me know as soon as possible.

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