Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Upcoming Events ~ RSVP Update

Build a Bear
April 14th
Willow Grove Mall
4:00 p.m.
R.S.V.P. deadline for the Build a Bear event is March 31st.
Madagascar 3 Movie Day
June 8th
Time and Location TBA

R.S.V.P. deadline for the Madagascar 3 Movie Day is May 26th.

Town Crier Bakery Tour Reminder

Don't forget the tour of Town Crier Bakery is this Saturday!

Town Crier Bakery
29 Peddler's Lane
Lahaska, PA 18931

Our tour begins at 2:30 p.m.

Girls should wear their Daisy uniforms.

 Plus, please bring their CookiEZone printouts if they have them!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

World Bazaar ~ Still Need Help...

All Daisies have signed up to assist with the needed supplies for World Bazaar. But, we still need some Daisies to sign up to assist with the Presentation Board and the Food/Drinks.

Presentation Board:
Info on Italian Language
Picture of Country/Titles of Topics (i.e. Food, Language, Cities, Girl Scouts, Fun Facts)

Please remember, each Daisy is expected to help with the Presentation Board.

I have already purchased the Presentation Board, so if you want to bring your Daisy by to add her info to her board, please let me know. I hope we can have the Board completed prior to the event, so we don't have to worry about finishing it as the event is starting.

The Presentation Board is one of those Science Expo display boards, so your topic should be done in  a large enough font to be read easily.

Italian Cookies
Salami and Cheese Cubes
Italian Bread or Italian Soda
Fanta Orange Soda

Each Daisy is expected to bring a food and drink item.

To see the updated list of who is bringing what, please see the World Bazaar post further down the blog.

If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to contact me.

Last Call for Cookie Reports

The CookiEZone reports for "Online Marketing" and "Goal Setting" were due at our last meeting. I am closing out the cookie sale, so if you have the print outs for your Daisy but forgot to turn them in, please let me know as soon as possible.

I must submit all this information to Council, so you must turn in these print outs to me by this Saturday (3/3). I will not be able to accept them after Saturday.

Rehearsal Schedule

This will be the rehearsal schedule for the troop to prepare for Lip Sync 2012.

All rehearsals are on Saturdays at 3:00 p.m. in Cianna's house.

March 10
March 17
March 31
April 7
April 21

Please add these to your calendars.
If your Daisy will not be able to attend a rehearsal, please let us know as soon as possible.

Also, please remember that they must bring their buckets with them to rehearsal.
If you think that they will not remember to bring the buckets to rehearsal, Nicole has offered to keep them at her home, so feel free to leave them with her after the first rehearsal.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Cookie Sales Closed!

I am happy to say that our troop sold 916 boxes of cookies! Out of those boxes, 91 are being donated to Cookies from Home which is wonderful!

I know the girls are so excited about greatly surpassing our initial goal of 300 boxes!

Please note, we are in the process of processing the last of the financials for the sale, so if you still owe money for cookies taken or have any donations to submit, please turn them in to me or Brigid as soon as possible.

The trip to Build a Bear is scheduled for April 14th at 4:00 pm and the trip to the movies to see Madagascar 3 is scheduled for June 9th. Please R.S.V.P. for both of these events as soon as possible.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Several Reminders

Next Meeting:
Just a friendly reminder that our next meeting will take place this Friday (2/24) at 5:00 p.m. It is our Annie Movie Night and we will be having it at Cianna's house. I will be sending out Cianna's address by email tonight.

Cookie Sales:
Any last cookie orders need to be sent in to me by Friday (2/24). All payments need to be in by this Friday as well.

If your Daisy used the CookiEZone website, please have her bring a printout of her goal chart.
If she utilized the cookie marketing section of the website as well to send email postcards, please have her bring a printout of the email list she sent the ecards to.

World Bazaar:
We still need several Daisies to sign up for needed items for the World Bazaar. Please check the previous post for an updated list of what is still needed. Please remember, that each Daisy needs to sign up to bring at least one item from each group (i.e. Supplies, Presentation Board, and Food/Drinks).

New Events:
Don't forget to R.S.V.P. for the new events on our calendar.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cookie Sales ~ Wrapping Up...

Our cookie sales have been going great! Almost all of the girls were able to reach the 50 box goal which is wonderful! We will be able to go to Build a Bear and to the movies as the girls voted upon.

The last day to submit any cookie order to me is this Friday, February 24th. This will give us enough time to get the cookies, process payment, and close the sale before the Council deadline of March 4th.

I currently only have Peanut Butter Sandwiches and Thanks a Lots in stock. That does not mean I can't get other cookies though. A local Cookie Cupboard has opened up for troops to pick up individual boxes of cookies. So, please don't hesitate to ask for any cookies.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Friday, February 17, 2012

World Bazaar Update

The following are the Daisies who confirmed their attendance for the World Bazaar. The registration fee has been paid for their attendace.


The following is what will be be needed for the event.

Italian Flag - Katerina
Italian Informational Baseball Cards  (200) - Katerina
Italian Coloring Sheets (200) - Ava
Tablecloth (Green) - Anika
200 Small Paper Cups (bathroom size/white) - Paree
200 Napkins (Red) - Cianna
200 Small Plates - Jayden

We will want to have a presentation board with info on Italy. I believe it will be easier for the girls. We will need each Daisy to sign up to do a portion of the presentation board. (The board is to look like a science fair exhibit).

Presentation Board:
Info on Language - Paree
Info on Cities - Anika
Info on Food - Cianna
Info on Troops - Katerina
Picture of Country/Titles of Topics (i.e. Food, Language, Cities, Girl Scouts, Fun Facts)
Fun Facts - Ava

Please do not hesitate to contact me about any questions you may have about the format for the presentation board.

We will also need to provide some food and drinks at our table. We need enough for the 200 girls. We will need each Daisy to sign up to bring either a food item and/or a drink item.
We can have more than one Daisy bringing the same food or drink item.
We can't heat anything up at the location and we don't want to have anything too messy...

Italian Cookies - Cianna
Salami and Cheese - Katerina, Ava
Fanta Orange Soda or Italian Soda - Anika, Katerina
Italian Bread - Jayden, Anika

If anyone has any other ideas, please do not hesitate to share them. You can always comment to this post.

Please send me an email letting me what your Daisy will be bring so that I can update this post with who will be bringing what.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

CookiEZone for Daisies Reminder

I hope all the of the girls have been using the CookieZone website for their goal setting and tracking.
If your Daisy has been using the website, please have them bring a printout of their goal chart to the next meeting (2/24).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Events

The following are new events on our calendar.

Build a Bear Party
April 14, 2012
Willow Grove Mall
4:00 p.m.

Movie Day
Madagascar 3
June 9, 2012
Time TBA

Bridging Ceremony
July 14, 2012
Doylestown Central Park
11:00 a.m.

Ice Cream Party
August 18, 2012
Maggie Moos
Time TBA

Please review the dates and let me know if your family will be traveling during any of these dates. For planning purposes, please let me know as soon as possible if your Daisy will be able to attend.

Final Event Counts

The following is my final event count.

Town Crier Bakery Tour
March 3, 2012
2:30 p.m.

Daisies Attending:

World Bazaar
March 9, 2012
6:20 p.m.

Daisies Attending:

Lip Sync
April 27, 2012
6:30 p.m.

Daisies Attending:

Payments for all these events has been made for the Daisies confirmed.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Petal Update

The following are the petals that the girls have earned to date:
Light Blue Petal (earned 10/28)

Orange Petal (earned 11/11)

Spring Green Petal (earned 12/2)
Rose Petal (earned 1/16)
Magenta Petal (earned 1/27)
Violet Petal (earned 2/10)

Yellow Petal (earned by Katerina, Ava, Cianna, Anika, and Allison ~ this petal is earned on an ongoing basis based on when they signed up to bring snacks for the troop)
Blue Center (earned 12/16)
If you have any questions regarding the placement of any of the petals or patches, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Plus, on the back of the tunic, they should have:
Juliette Low Birthday, Investiture patch, Daisy Girl patch, Cookie Rally Patch, and Valentine's Day Patch.

If you have any questions regarding the placement of any of the patches, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Last Call

This will be the last call for RSVPs for the following events.

Bakery Tour
March 3, 2012


World Bazaar
March 9, 2012


Lip Sync
April 27, 2012


In order to participate in these events, you will need to email me and confirm that your Daisy will be participating.

Last day to RSVP will be tomorrow,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bakery Tour

Bakery Tour
Town Crier Bakery
Peddler's Village
Saturday, March 3, 2012

I spoke to the owner of Town Crier Bakery and they have bakery tours for Girl Scouts. I thought it would be something really fun for the girls. They will even get to decorate their own cupcakes.

Cost $8 per Daisy (which the troop will cover)

Please let me know if your Daisy would like to attend the bakery tour.


Valentine Card Exchange

Don't forget that the girls will be exchanging Valentine's Day Cards at the meeting this Friday. So, please have the girls bring one card for each girl.

 It looks like we might also have a new girl joining our troop, so please have them bring an extra card for her.

Also, don't forget to let me know if you need anymore cookies. If I do order any more cookies, it will only be to fulfill orders submitted to me before Friday. After Friday, I will let you know what cookies we have left and then we can attempt to sell those, so that the troop doesn't have to pay for them out of troop funds.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Annie Movie Night

In preparation for the Troop's participation in Lip Sync 2012, we will be having a Movie Night! This will give the girls an opportunity to watch Annie together!

Annie Movie Night
Friday, February 24 (will replace our regularly scheduled meeting)
5:00 p.m.
Cianna's House

Pizza and snacks will be provided by Cianna and her mom Nicole!

Please confirm that you will attend the movie night!


Snack Buddy List Updated ~ Again

Due to some new events on our schedule we have had to change our Snack Buddy List. This is the updated information.

February 10 ~ Ava
February 24 ~ Cianna
March 9 ~ World Bazaar (no meeting)
March 23 ~ Paree
April 13 ~ Allison
April 27 ~ Lip Sync (no meeting)
May 11 ~ Jayden
May 25 ~
June 8 ~

Please make a note of the date your Daisy is to bring snacks.

World Bazaar RSVP Due

World Bazaar

World Bazaar
March 9, 2012
CB South
6:20 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Confirmed for World Bazaar:
Registration fees for this event are due this week. So, if your Daisy will be attending this event, I will need you to let me know as soon as possible. The troop will be covering the registration fee, so I just need to know if they are participating.


Petal Update

Please remember that the girls are to wear their tunics to every meeting and at every event where they are representing their troop.
The following are the petals that the girls have earned to date:
Light Blue Petal (earned 10/28)

Orange Petal (earned 11/11)

Spring Green Petal (earned 12/2)
Rose Petal (earned 1/16)
Magenta Petal (earned 1/27)

Yellow Petal (earned by Katerina, Ava, Cianna, and Anika ~ this petal is earned on an ongoing basis based on when they signed up to bring snacks for the troop)
Blue Center (earned 12/16)
If you have any questions regarding the placement of any of the petals or patches, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Plus, on the back of the tunic, they should have their Juliette Low Birthday, their investiture patch, Daisy Girl patch, and Cookie Rally Patch.

If you have any questions regarding the placement of any of the patches, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Cookie Sale Update

The troop had a goal of selling 300 boxes of cookies! Each Daisy had a goal of selling a minimum of 50 in order to help us reach that goal.

I am happy to announce that the troop has already doubled their goal by selling 600 boxes of cookies. Plus, almost every girl has reached their ndividual goal of selling a minimum of 50 boxes. So, they will definitely be able to go to Build a Bear as they wanted, plus they will be able to decide what else they want to do with their cookie sale money.

We currently still have 100 boxes of cookies left. I am looking at whether we will need to order any more since we still technically have a couple of weeks left of the sale.

If you have any orders for cookies at this time or know you will need some more cookies, please let me know as soon as possible. So, that I can determine whether we need to get any more cases at this point.