Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Several Reminders

Next Meeting:
Just a friendly reminder that our next meeting will take place this Friday (2/24) at 5:00 p.m. It is our Annie Movie Night and we will be having it at Cianna's house. I will be sending out Cianna's address by email tonight.

Cookie Sales:
Any last cookie orders need to be sent in to me by Friday (2/24). All payments need to be in by this Friday as well.

If your Daisy used the CookiEZone website, please have her bring a printout of her goal chart.
If she utilized the cookie marketing section of the website as well to send email postcards, please have her bring a printout of the email list she sent the ecards to.

World Bazaar:
We still need several Daisies to sign up for needed items for the World Bazaar. Please check the previous post for an updated list of what is still needed. Please remember, that each Daisy needs to sign up to bring at least one item from each group (i.e. Supplies, Presentation Board, and Food/Drinks).

New Events:
Don't forget to R.S.V.P. for the new events on our calendar.

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