Monday, February 6, 2012

Cookie Sale Update

The troop had a goal of selling 300 boxes of cookies! Each Daisy had a goal of selling a minimum of 50 in order to help us reach that goal.

I am happy to announce that the troop has already doubled their goal by selling 600 boxes of cookies. Plus, almost every girl has reached their ndividual goal of selling a minimum of 50 boxes. So, they will definitely be able to go to Build a Bear as they wanted, plus they will be able to decide what else they want to do with their cookie sale money.

We currently still have 100 boxes of cookies left. I am looking at whether we will need to order any more since we still technically have a couple of weeks left of the sale.

If you have any orders for cookies at this time or know you will need some more cookies, please let me know as soon as possible. So, that I can determine whether we need to get any more cases at this point.

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