Tuesday, February 28, 2012

World Bazaar ~ Still Need Help...

All Daisies have signed up to assist with the needed supplies for World Bazaar. But, we still need some Daisies to sign up to assist with the Presentation Board and the Food/Drinks.

Presentation Board:
Info on Italian Language
Picture of Country/Titles of Topics (i.e. Food, Language, Cities, Girl Scouts, Fun Facts)

Please remember, each Daisy is expected to help with the Presentation Board.

I have already purchased the Presentation Board, so if you want to bring your Daisy by to add her info to her board, please let me know. I hope we can have the Board completed prior to the event, so we don't have to worry about finishing it as the event is starting.

The Presentation Board is one of those Science Expo display boards, so your topic should be done in  a large enough font to be read easily.

Italian Cookies
Salami and Cheese Cubes
Italian Bread or Italian Soda
Fanta Orange Soda

Each Daisy is expected to bring a food and drink item.

To see the updated list of who is bringing what, please see the World Bazaar post further down the blog.

If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to contact me.

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